Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Job / Prace

Good news: my husband found a new job. Bad news: his income will now be only half what he used to have. So that is not a good situation for us. We will not be able to afford to stay in our house, pay car payments or health insurance and more.
You may ask, why am I not working? I am working  24/7 all the time. I am a stay at home mom. Taking care of my children, cleaning and cooking. It is not easy, I tell you that. I'm just not getting paid for it. 
Ok, if I would find a job, I'd have to find someone else to look after my boys. A nanny costs a lot. Daycare costs a lot. So the money I would earn would go only to daycare or a nanny and maybe it would be even more, which doesn't make sence. So I have to stay at home and earn money from here.
As a mom with two active boys I don't have much free time. If I have any, I need to focus on painting and selling it. So what you see on this website, you can buy. 


Dobra zprava. Muj muz konecne nasel praci. Spatna zprava. Jeho prijem ted bude o polovinu mensi. Coz neni vubec dobry. Nebudeme moci zustat v nasem dome, ani platit splatky za auta a platit zdravotni pojisteni atd.
Mozna se ptate, proc nepracuji ja? Ja delam 24 hodin denne 7 dni v tydnu. Jsem doma s detmi. Staram se o ne, uklizim cely dum a varim. Neni to jednoduche to vam reknu. Jen za to nedostavam zaplaceno.
Kdybych sla do prace, kde bych mela vyplatu, tak musim najit nekoho, kdo se postara o me deti. Chuvy stoji hodne penez a jesle nebo skolka take. Takze penize, ktere bych si vydelala by sli pouze na skolku nebo chuvu a mozna by to ani nestacilo. Takze to radsi zustanu doma a postaram se o ne sama. Je to tak nejlepsi.
Ted tedy musim najit zpusob jak vydelat penize z domova.
Jako matka dvou aktivnich deti nemam moc casu sama pro sebe. Kdyz uz nejaky najdu, musim se zamerit na malovani a snazit se ho prodat. Takze co uvidite na teto webove strance bude k prodeji. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My son's allergies / Alergie meho syna

I am the mom of two great boys. My first born son's name is Nikolas and he is 3 years old. My second son's name is Matyáš and he is 6 months old. They are happy as they can be now but it wasn't always like that.

When Niki was born he did not want to sleep. He cried and cried all the time. I though it was normal. Babies cry. But this baby cried and didn't sleep day or night. It was hard.

I didn't know that much about babies. I read books and occasionally babysat but that is not the same.

So we went with him for his one month check up and everything seemed fine. The doctor wasn't concerned about his sleep and excessive crying.  He called it colic. So I wasn't really happy, but what can you do? My son was colicky.

Then he developed a rash. He had it all over his body. It disappeared on its own just to come back few days later on his cheeks. It didn't take long before his cheeks flamed and oozed. Sometimes even bled. He was miserable.

We went back to the doctor, who said it is atopic dermatitis (eczema) and prescribed antibacterial cream. So we bought it and put it right away on Niki's face. And it worked. Until the rash came back again. We went to the pediatrician again and again. Always leaving with some prescription for cream that should help. The rash came back anyway. We were frustrated. Niki was in pain and wasn't a happy baby. Still not much sleeping and lots of crying. His cheeks were oozing again and inflamed.

Next time we saw a different pediatrician who prescribed Niki topical steroid cream and gave him antibiotics. He told me to stop eating dairy products to see if he is allergic to milk because I was nursing. He also suggested to go see a dermatologist.

The topical steroid cream worked but the warnings on the package made us think twice. Should we really put this on our 2 and half month old baby?

  • Don't put it on broken skin.
  • Don't give it to children under 4 years old.
  • Suppresses the immune system.
  • May cause cancer.

We called the doctor again because we were concerned about the side affects. They told us not to worry. They prescribe it all the time. I didn't want to put it on my son's cheeks, but didn't have another option.  I hoped he wouldn't be using it for long.

The dermatologist wanted to try different kinds of creams on our baby's skin to get rid of the rash. She said it was atopic dermatitis and it was not from allergies. We were going there every other week but saw no real improvements. I wasn't happy that there was no one who could help our child.

 I was looking online to find out more about atopic dermatitis. How can I help my child? We tried even going to the homeopath. What a waste of time and money.

At Niki's 6 month check up, our pediatrician said that Niki is healthy and wasn't really concerned about his skin or sleeping problems.

We decided to find a doctor who could solve the problem rather than treat the symptoms. Two days later we were in the office again seeing a different doctor. She looked at Niki and said to make an appointment with allergist.

So we went to the allergist who determined Niko had the following allergies:
  • Wheat
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Almonds
  • Cats
  • Dogs
We finally had our answers.  We had to change our eating habits, but it worked. I went to a wheat free, dairy free and egg free diet. Our dog and cat were brushed every day and cleaned with a wet cloth. I vacuumed everyday. Niki's skin started to improve. I had to use topical steroid cream less and less. I stopped using it completely when he was about 9 months old. Anytime he had a red spot on his face I put Cerave cream on it immediately. I still use it twice a day on his body. It works.

I heard somewhere that cranberries are a "superfood". I thought, why don't I give them to Niki as a snack? I started to give him dried cranberries around one year of age. To tell you the truth, even his occasional red spots disappeared. Niko loves cranberries. He eats them plain or with Gorilla Munch and Crispix cereal.

Today his skin is healthy. You would not know he had skin problems as a baby.


Jsem matkou dvou uzasnych chlapcu. Muj prvorozeny syn se jmenuje Nikolas a jsou mu 3 roky. Muj druhy syn se jmenuje Matyáš a je mu 6 mesicu. Jsou to veseli, usmevavi kluci, ale ne vzdy tomu tak bylo.

Kdyz se Niki narodil nechtel vubec spat. Stale jen brecel a brecel. Ja myslela, ze je to normalni. Miminka preci breci. Ale toto dite brecelo a nechtelo spat at byl den ci noc. Byla jsem z toho zoufala.

V te dobe jsem o miminkach jeste moc nevedela. Cetla jsem sice knizky a hlidala male deti, ale to neni to same.

Sli jsme s nim na mesicni prohlidku. Vse vypadalo dobre. Doktor nebyl znepokojen ani presto, ze Niki nespi a ze stale breci. Rekl, ze je to kolika. Ja jsem z toho nebyla moc nadsena, ale co muzu delat. Muj syn mel koliku.

Mesic po jeho narozeni se mu zacala delat vyrazka na obliceji a pak i po celem tele. Nevedela jsem z ceho to ma a jen jsem doufala, ze to zmizi. Mel ji asi tyden a pak zmizela. Brzy se mu vsak zacala delat na tvarich nova. Vypadalo to jako zlute suche stroupky. Ty vsak zacaly mokvat a krvacet. Niki byl nestastny.

Sli jsme k doktorovi, ktery rekl, ze je to atopicky ekzem a dal nam antibakterialni krem. Mastickou jsme ho poctive mazali. Pomohla mu, ale jen na par dni. Pak se ta vyrazka zacala vracet. Chodili jsme k doktorovi znovu a znovu. Vzdy jsme odchazeli s predpisem na jiny krem, ktery mu mel pomoci. Vyrazka se stale vracela. Byli jsme z toho nestastni. Copak neni nikdo, kdo by mohl naseho syna vylecit? Niki se trapil bolesti. Stale dobre nespal a moc casto brecel. Tvaricky mu mokvaly a mel je jako v ohni. Zarudle a obcas i krvave.

Sli jsme k jinemu lekari. Dal nam pro Nikiho antibiotika a predepsal steroidni krem. Rekl mi, at prestanu jist mlecne vyrobky, kdyby na ne byl Niki alergicky. V tu dobu jsem ho stale kojila. Take nam doporucil jit na kozni.

Ten steroidni krem pomohl, ale varovani na krabicce z kremu nas pekne zaskocilo. Mame toto davat na 2 a pul mesicni miminko?

  • Nedavejte na otevrene rany.
  • Nedavejte detem mladsim 4 let.
  • Potlacuje imunitni system.
  • Muze zpusobit rakovinu.

Zavolali jsme zpet do ordinace, protoze jsme byli velmi znepokojeni temi vedlejsimi ucinky na krabicce. Tam nam rekli, abychom si z toho nedelali hlavu, ze to predepisuji porad. Ja jsem to na tvaricky meho syna nechtela vubec davat, ale nemela jsem jinou moznost. Jen jsem doufala, ze mu to nebudu muset dlouho davat.

Doktorka na koznim chtela zkouset ruzne kremy na Nikiho tvaricky, abychom se zbavili te vyrazky. Rekla nam, ze to neni alergie, ale atopicky ekzem. Chodili jsme tam pravidelne kazde dva tydny. Vubec to  nepomahalo.

Uz jsme byli s manzelem tak zoufali, ze jsme se dohodli, ze zkusime navstivit lecitele. Cetla jsem o tom a tak jsem doufala, ze by to mohlo pomoci. Joj to jsem se spletla. Zbytecne vyhozene penize.

Sli jsme s nim na 6 ti mesicni prohlidku. Nas detsky doktor rekl, ze Niko je v poradku a vubec ho neznepokojovala  Nikolky pokozka a problemy se spanim.

Rozhodli jsme se zkusit jineho doktora, ktery zjisti proc ma vubec Niki vyrazku a ne jenom ji lecit. Za dva dny jsme byli zpet  a vyzadali si jinou doktorku. Ta se na nej podivala a rekla, ze by mel jit k alergologovi. Cesta, kterou jsme jeste nezkusili.

A tak jsme sli. Alergolog mu udelal testy a vse bylo jasne. Niki mel alergie na:
  • Kravske mleko
  • Psenici 
  • Vejce 
  • Madle
  • Psi 
  • Kocky 
Konecne jsme meli odpovedi na nase otazky. Ja prestala okamzite jist vse, na co byl Niki alergicky a jeho oblicej se konecne zacal zlepsovat. Naseho psa a kocku jsme denne vycesavali a otirali mokrym hadrem. Take jsem kazdy den luxovala. Steroidni krem jsem pouzivala mene a mene. Kdyz bylo Nikimu 9 mesicu, prestala jsem ho pouzivat uplne. Kdyz se jen objevil nejaky cerveny flek na jeho tvaricce, tak jsem ho hned mazala kremem Cerave. Stale ho pouzivam dvakrat denne na cele jeho telo. Funguje to.

Nekde jsem slysela, ze brusinky jsou "super jidlo". Pomyslela jsem si, proc je nedat Nikimu jako svacinku? Zacala jsem mu davat suche brusinky, kdyz mu byl jeden rok. Po pravde receno, i ty obcasne cervene fleky se z jeho tvari vytratily. Niko ma moc rad brusinky. Ji je jen tak a nebo smichane s cerealiemi (ne psenicne).

Dnes ma kuzi zdravou. Vubec byste nepoznali, ze mel jako miminko takove problemy s kuzi.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Click to Find at Etsy.com

Click to Find at Etsy.com

10.8.2012 New Begining/ Novy Zacatek

Today is the day when my family situation is going to change. Hopefuly for the better. I know it won't be easy, but we need to do it. My husband lost his job and our income is zero at the moment. He was the one who would bring money home. We have to pay bills or we will become homeless. That is a scary situation for anybody, especially for family with two little kids.
My husband is looking for job but cannot find one that would equal his last income. He is already one month without a job and I am trying to figure out how to earn money at least for food.
There is lots of work to be found on the internet but most of the time it is a scam. I should not be paying someone to give me a job. So I decided to start my own website. We'll see what good it will bring.

Od dnesniho dne se meni nase rodinna situace. Doufejme, ze k lepsimu. Nebude to snadne, ale nekde se zacit musi. Manzel ztratil praci a tak nase vyplata je momentalne nulova. Musime hodne rychle neco vymyslet, abychom mohli pristi mesic zaplatit ucty. Jinak muzeme prijit o strechu nad hlavou. Mam z toho nocni mury. Je to dost strasidelne pro kazdeho, zvlaste pak pro rodinu s malymi detmi.
Muj muz si hleda praci, ale nemuze najit takovou, ktera by nahradila jeho minuly prijem. Uz je bez prace cely mesic a ja zacinam premyslet, jak vydelat alespon na jidlo.
Na internetu je spousta prace, ale vetsinou to jsou podvody. A tak jsem se rozhodla zacit vlastni webovou stranku a uvidime, co se z toho vyklube.